Bob Snyder Bob Snyder

Proteios History- What does Car9 mean, anyway?


Proteios Technology CEO Bob Snyder, Ph.D.


Proteios had its origin back in 2015.  I was working with researchers at the University of Washington to identify if their technology had commercial potential and to assist them in applying for an initial grant from the University to perform the analysis.  In one project, I worked with Prof. Francois Baneyx in the Bioengineering Department.  His lab had identified a dodecapeptide that binds to silica with high affinity and had the potential to form the basis of a new affinity tag for the purification of recombinant proteins.  The dodecapeptide was identified by Brandon Coyle, a graduate student in Prof. Baneyx’s lab at the time.  Brandon recalls the process as follows:


“The Car9 tag has a long history.  Originally discovered using an E. coli random display library, we were looking for carbon binding proteins.  This technique relies on sheer numbers to find something out of a random set of protein sequences.  It’s truly a one-in-a-million chance.  The name stems from the fact that it’s the 9th carbon binder we sequenced (e.g., Car9 for short).  As with many scientific discoveries, the conversion to a silica binding purification tag came out of failure.  We wanted to analyze the ability of the carbon tag to bind to different carbon surfaces so we appended it to the end of a green fluorescent protein so we could see the binding by fluorescence.  This worked wonderfully for a few other carbon binding sequences but for Car9, we couldn’t see any protein on the carbon surfaces.  In fact, we couldn’t find the fluorescent protein at all in our field of view of the microscope.  After many frustrating hours, we stumbled upon the protein, and it wasn’t on the carbon beads at all, but rather the surface of our microscope slide.  The microscope slides were made from silica, and for fans of the periodic table, silica sits just below carbon.  As a result, it shares many of the same surface chemistries - so not only did we have a carbon binder but a silica binder as well.  That discovery led to many follow-on ideas, cost-effective protein purification using silica matrices, stamping protein patterns on glass, oriented attachment to specific carbon chemistries to name a few.”

Prof. Baneyx and I decided to spin out the technology in order to share it with other researchers – and Proteios was born.  The University received a patent for the Car9 affinity tag and Proteios obtained a worldwide, exclusive license to commercialize the technology.  Proteios received SBIR Phase I & II grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to create a series of recombinant protein purification kits based on the Car9 affinity tag.


That brings us to today – with the commercial launch of five protein purification kits based on the Car9 affinity tag.  Thanks to the many scientists at Proteios and to funding by NSF, we are finally able to deliver on the original promise of sharing this technology with the research community.

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Bob Snyder Bob Snyder

Welcome to Proteios Technology: Empowering a New Era in Scientific Discovery

Proteios Team gathers to celebrate their grand opening starting 09.16.2024

At Proteios Technology, we are on a mission to empower preclinical researchers by providing access to advanced biologicals, enabling breakthroughs in understanding the molecular basis of disease and the discovery of cutting-edge therapeutics. As we celebrate our grand opening, we invite you to join us in driving the future of research and medicine.

Our Story

Founded in 2015 by a team of scientists and bioengineers in Seattle, WA, Proteios began with a simple goal: to share our innovative protein purification technology, developed at the University of Washington, with the global research community. Since then, we’ve expanded our offerings to include the label-free isolation of a wide range of biologicals, such as immune cells and antibodies.

We believe that cell therapies represent the future of medicine, and we are committed to making these therapies accessible to everyone. By unlocking the intelligence and diversity of our immune systems, we aim to open new doors in disease treatment. Our role is to provide researchers with the tools they need to develop new cellular cures using nature’s most discerning disease fighters.

Revolutionizing Protein Purification

Proteios has taken protein purification to a whole new level, offering superior results at a fraction of the cost. Our eco-friendly, four-step kits are designed to prioritize safety, sustainability, and speed, delivering high yields in 60 minutes or less.

Our cutting-edge Affinity Tag Technology is paired with an eco-friendly design, ensuring that your research is not only efficient but also environmentally conscious. Say goodbye to toxic buffers, excessive plastic waste, and outdated protocols.

Eco-Friendly and Safe Solutions

  • Compostable Packaging: We proudly offer compostable packaging, digital protocols, and biodegradable resins, setting a new standard for sustainable lab practices.

  • Safe, Optimized Buffers: Our buffers are free from toxic chemicals, making them safe for your proteins, lab mates, and even your plumbing.

  • Greener Tomorrow: Our RapidPro™ Purification kits can be safely discarded without the need for costly hazardous waste pickup, allowing you to save time, money, and the planet.

Join Us in Pioneering the Future

Proteios Technology is paving the way for a greener, safer future in research. As we continue to innovate, we remain driven by our core values of innovation, accuracy, impact, empathy, and resilience. We are excited to work alongside researchers in the pursuit of life-changing discoveries that improve the lives of patients.

Explore our kits and discover how Proteios can elevate your research to new heights, and don't forget, get a free plasmid with any RapidPro™ kit purchase ($200 value) as a token of our appreciation! Today, 9.16 only.

Welcome to a brighter, more sustainable future in science!

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